Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama does Leno - and promptly makes tasteless joke about Special Olympics

Get that man his teleprompter ! What was Obama's brain (David Axelrod) thinking ?

President Obama sat down with Jay Leno on Thursday for a late-night TV interview that spanned a range of topics -- from the economic crisis to the presidential dog -- and even, at one point, featured the president joking that his bowling ability was suitable for the Special Olympics.

The bowling comment was a reminder of his poor performance on the lanes last year during one of his campaign stops. Obama bragged to "The Tonight Show" that he recently bowled 129 on the White House alley.

"It's like Special Olympics," he said.

Oh,and coach K goes on TV to suggest Obama fix the damn economy and not spend his time publicly filling out and discussing his NCAA tournament picks.

After the president released his NCAA tournament picks, Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski wondered aloud why Obama was spending time on brackets when more pressing matters are at hand.

"As much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets," Krzyzewski said. (Obama picked Duke rival North Carolina to win the NCAA Championship.)

Hey coach K, there are priorities, and then there are priorities.

Governing ain't exactly at the top of O's list it seems....

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