Saturday, August 15, 2009

John Edwards (baby papa) Back in the News

This guy is a shining example of a lying SOS POS Sleazebag Politician.

Of course, he was almost Vice President ! And had a reasonable shot at the Democratic Party nomination for President.

Great vetting over there on the Dem side ...

Just imagine the coverage of this story had it been a Republican all along instead of Edwards (just look at Palin). The press would have been camping on his lawn for the past 2 years.

A few excerpts from the article:

2) The National Enquirer has been vindicated ....

3) Please do not forget that in his August, 2008 Nightline 'confession,'--"I take full responsibility"--Edwards didn't just deny paternity but said paternity was "not possible" because the affair with Hunter was over when the baby must have been conceived. To do otherwise would have interfered with his carefully crafted modified limited story about the affair--that it involved "a short period in 2006" and ended before Elizabeth's cancer recurred and before he went galavanting around the country advertising his fidelity and good character.

If Edwards is in fact the father this entire fallback edifice of BS crumbles. ... It's worth reading the transcript of the ABC interview--practically every sentence out of Edwards' mouth is a lie. He doesn't know who the baby was in the Enquirer's photos, suggests the photos were doctored, doesn't know whether Andrew Young, the aide who took the fall, is the father, says Rielle Hunter's hiring as a videographer had nothing to do with the affair, etc.. And he does it all sanctimoniously.

4) Why construct this fallback line of lies? There are several possibilities, discussed here. My guess: The idea was not to fool his wife but to preserve his political viability as much as possible. Just a short mistaken affair! He slipped! Happens all the time! I also suspect St. Elizabeth was in on this second set of lies just as she went out and helped him try to preserve the first set of lies (i.e., that there was no affair at all and it was all just tabloid trash).

5) Why admit paternity now? Possible (speculative, not-proven) theories: a) He needed Hunter's testimony to be as friendly as possible; b) Disaffected Fall Guy Andrew Young's tell all book forced the issue; c) Edwards was going to be asked by the prosecutors; d) Somehow this helps keep the sex tape bottled up; e) It had to happen at some point. Rielle wants to be Mrs. Edwards, or at least to have the paternity of her child acknowledged. He couldn't keep her happy forever. f) He wants the story to get buried in all the excitement about Netroots Nation! ...

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