Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering Sept. 11, 2001 -- and some relevant commentary

The Obama White House -- It was a "crime" ?!?!?!?

From the 2009 presidential 9/11 proclamation:
We must apprehend all those who perpetrated these heinous crimes, seek justice for those who were killed, and defend against all threats to our national security.

Re: It's a Crime [Andy McCarthy]

No, Mr. President, these are acts of war. What's "heinous" is not to see that. And these acts of war, we have learned, happen when we treat such atrocities as if they were mere crimes. It emboldens our enemies to know that we won't defend ourselves vigorously. How shameful to pick today of all days to display for all to see — including our enemies — that we've forgotten that lesson. I shudder to think what it will take to relearn it.

The CIA: "War against Al-Qaeda"

Leon Panetta e-mails CIA staff:
The information the CIA gathers and the actions it takes, crucial as they are, will not by themselves defeat terrorists determined to strike again. Al-Qa’ida’s own vicious ideology, founded on the murder of innocent people, has proven to be a major weakness. But we cannot wait for popular disgust to isolate and overcome the extremists. We and our allies must continue to press the offensive, eroding their ability to plot and kill. It is difficult, hazardous work. But your skill, dedication, and valor make good on our responsibility not only to the memory of those who perished on September 11th, but to their families and to all Americans. We will never forget their sacrifice and we will never rest until we have brought those responsible for this tragedy to justice. The President has made clear that our mission is to disrupt, defeat, and destroy al-Qa’ida—and that’s exactly what we intend to do. It is a privilege for me to work with men and women worthy of so vital a mission. Thank you for serving so well in this fight—and for helping the United States guarantee that no life lost in this attack or battle shall be lost in vain. That is our pledge and our prayer on this September 11th.

Victor Davis Hanson: Our National 9-11 Schizoprhenia

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