Friday, October 9, 2009

Too Ridiculous for Words: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

It must have been a result of all of his accomplishes as covered last week on SNL !

Even Nobel watchers are "stunned".

Of course, the Nobel committee long ago went off the reservation and completely politicized their mandate, but this is just silly. Maybe Nobel is trying to give ObamaCare a boost.

Obama joins a long list of worthies including master terrorist and murderer Yasir Arafat.


  1. Wow, why not wait till Obama actually accomplishes something!

  2. Thanks for the comment.

    The more one learns about the Nobel Committee, the sillier this gets. They are a collection of Norwegian socialists and leftists with hightly political agendas. It makes their "decision" more understandable as a simply political statement; and it further diminishes the stature of the Nobel Peace Prize, which is clearly on the road to irrelevancy (sadly).
