Tuesday, November 3, 2009

V - Universal Healthcare for All !

And w/out the budget deficits !

ABC presents V ... reptilian aliens who offer syrupy slogans, hope and universal healthcare for all of us earthlings ! What are they trying to tell us - LOL !!

V v O [Jonah Goldberg]
Yes, yes, yes: I will be watching V. I might have to record it and watch election returns (so please no emailed spoilers). As many, many readers have noted the Visitors seem to share much of Barack Obama's agenda. We bring you free healthcare! We bring you hope and change! But in reality they're a bunch of thugs from Planet Chicago.

The comparisons are pretty obvious.

What surprised is that Tom Shales Hank Stuever sorta-kinda sees them too:

There are some twisted little microbes living in the algorithms of the television programming grid, which might explain the delicious scheduling of "V" and "By the People: The Election of Barack Obama" back-to-back on different networks Tuesday night. It's a nice night of hope, change and delayed ironies — if you watch both with a suspicious mind.

You can dive into the paranoid, things-are-not-at-all-what-they-seem world of "V," ABC's exciting new science-fiction drama, and then, after a quick potty break, hop over to "By the People," HBO's uplifting but stultifyingly naive, please-drink-a-little-more-Kool-Aid paean to the historical highlights of President Obama's campaign and election.The telltale alien behavior is everywhere. In "V" (a remake of the early-1980s series), the otherworldly "visitors" want to bring us universal health care. They possess a knack for speechwriting and managing the message. In "By the People," well . . . same thing! It's all about happy people flying in from strange places, smiling at complicitly available TV cameras.

Update: CORRECTION! Woops. Sorry, I made a big goof. It wasn't Shales, but Hank Stuever who wrote the review. I was looking at the paper version and Shales' name is in bold at the bottom of the page and it must have stuck in my head. My apologies. Serves me right not to huff glue this early in the morning.

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