Wednesday, February 10, 2010

3 Years Ago in the Space Time Continuum

Three Years Ago Today [Jonah Goldberg]

From First Read:

*** Three Years Ago: Exactly three years ago today, Barack Obama officially launched his presidential bid in a speech he gave in Springfield, IL. On that bone-chillingly cold day — though there was no snow like we're seeing this Wednesday on the East Coast — Obama unveiled the themes of his ultimately successful campaign: 1) change Washington, 2) reduce the level of partisanship, 3) bring U.S. soldiers home from Iraq, 4) improve America’s image around the world, and 5) pass universal health care by the end of the president’s first term. And it’s easy to see what he has accomplished (or begun to), and what he hasn’t. Here's where Obama appears to have made the most progress: “Let us also understand that ultimate victory against our enemies will come only by rebuilding our alliances and exporting those ideals that bring hope and opportunity to millions around the globe.” (Though these rebuilt alliances, particularly with Russia and China, will be put to the test in the coming days, as the U.S. pushes for tougher sanctions against Iran.) And: “America, it's time to start bringing our troops home [from Iraq].”

*** Where He’s Made Progress — And Where He Hasn’t: And here’s where he hasn’t made progress: “I know I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.” Or: “Let's be the generation that says right here, right now, that we will have universal health care in America by the end of the next president's first term.” And: “Most of all, let's be the generation that never forgets what happened on that September day and confront the terrorists with everything we've got. Politics doesn't have to divide us on this anymore - we can work together to keep our country safe.”

I would like to choose an alternate timeline please ... can anyone arrange that ?

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