Friday, March 26, 2010

Promises, Promises redux

and many people actually believed him !

This Is Not What Barack Obama Campaigned On [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Rick Santorum writes:

Did he promise rising health-insurance premiums, new taxes on employers and investment, higher Medicare taxes, a government mandate that everyone buy insurance, more people on government-run health plans, trillions of dollars more in federal spending, backroom deals to buy votes, and (according to my analysis of the legislation) federal abortion subsidies that would increase the number of innocent deaths every year?

Obama has fulfilled his dream of making history, but he certainly has not delivered the change he promised the American people in 2008.

As a candidate, Obama promised to be bipartisan. But, for the first time in history, Congress has enacted an expansion of the government's role in our lives on the scale of the Social Security and Medicare programs with only Democratic votes. Both Social Security and Medicare passed with broad bipartisan support.

Obama promised to unite a divided America. But he has been completely dismissive of well-informed Americans' overwhelming opposition to this measure, forcing it down their throats.
Obama promised fiscal responsibility. But he has increased government spending over the next 10 years by more than $2 trillion, and his budget will add almost $10 trillion to the national debt over that period.

If record spending, an explosion of government, and the imposition of debt on the next generation don't faze you, maybe this will: Obama and the Democrats aren't done yet....

What's in the Air [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

I have no interest in playing a game of who-is-fanning-the-flames more, but when the president continues to mock his critics — even after he signed his legislation — can you blame a guy in Iowa for saying: "The government doesn't want to hear us. We have to make them listen"?

The Washington Post's piece this morning is striking for the fact that there is no story to it. People disagree with what just happened in Washington. Guess what? It's a free country. That's still allowed here. Now can we all go back to our regularly scheduled debating of ideas and the work of democracy without giving unstable people out there ideas? Please?

An e-mail:
It’s a sad day when the President of the United States uses taxpayer dollars to travel around the country ridiculing and provoking those taxpayers with whom he disagrees, but this is what we get when the “cool” guy wins. How I long for the days of a “cowboy” President I didn’t always agree with, but always respected.

Nancy Pelosi Was Right [Peter Kirsanow]

Nancy Pelosi was correct when she said that we have to pass the health-care-reform bill in order to find out what's in it.

Now that the bill has been safely passed and signed into law, the mainstream press is gradually revealing the scores of delightful provisions tucked away in the 2,700 page abomination: job-killing taxes on businesses, innovation-killing taxes on medical products, suffocating regulations on individual freedoms, wealth-sapping taxes on the middle-class, unprecedented intrusions on personal privacy, unconstitutional mandates on individuals, racially discriminatory preferences for favored groups, a Ponzi-scheme-on-steroids financing mechanism, and spending on a galactic, incomprehensible scale.

And that's just the first 600 pages. But somewhere in this heaping pile of manure there just has to be a pony.

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