Monday, May 17, 2010

Woody Allen: Let Obama Be Dictator !

Spoken like a true Kool Aid drinker:

Woody Allen has a strange take on the democracy that allowed him to become rich and famous.

The "Scoop" director said it would be a cool idea for President Barack Obama to be dictator for for a few years.


So he could get things done without all the hassle of opposing views getting in the way.

In an interview published by Spanish language newspaper La Vanguardia (that we translated), Allen says “I am pleased with Obama. I think he’s brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.”

But wait - there's more!

The director said "it would be good…if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly."

Somewhere, Thomas Friedman is smiling ....


  1. Cap - it's not that I disagree (putin), it's just Kevin's comment that the DOEs (plural here: education and energy), do nothing, is a little extreme. Once we start talking Gray Area, everything always fall back towards the middle. There is still a strong communist element in russia which does indeed scare me and they have islamic fundamentalist problems both inside and in their surrounding former soviet states too.

  2. BDC ... the DOE's certainly do very little, particularly when you consider their budgets. Let's not just pick on them ... IRS, Post office, Agriculture, whatever.

    FSU ... yes true still communist, nationalist, elements, islamists, etc. Russia could easily become a failed state. Still Putin's Russia is not ideal either; he set back 20 years at least an emerging free society for what is an oligarch kleptocracy autocracy.
