Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bibi Netanyahu Goes to Congress - to take on Obama's flawed Iran "strategy"

While President Obama was contemplating his 2015 NCAA brackets earlier today, and planning his next golf outing, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a masterful speech to Congress, outlining his objections to Obama's pursuit of a weak and flawed deal with Iran that will do little to stop Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

No wonder Obama and his administration worked furiously for weeks to obstruct this speech.

We'll see is Congress can get its act together to get involved, but it would seem that Obama may now actually have to disclose the details of the "deal" he is putting together and actually justify it to Congress and the American people, as opposed to imposing it and keeping it virtually secret (and the only reason to do that is b/c it is fatally flawed & dangerous).

Pretending you can negotiate in good faith with dictatorships is ridiculous. They kill & lie to their own people & only respect strength.

Below are some post speech commentaries worth a read:

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