Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Case Against Hillary Clinton (it is an overwhelming one)

The Case Against The Dishonest, Corrupt & Incompetent Hillary Clinton is Massive:

By now it should be clear that Hillary Clinton seems to have committed a felony by mishandling classified information (despite the director of the FBI saying "not enough evidence" in their questionable investigation).

Because the evidence of corruption, incompetence and illegality is simply too massive to list everything, the highlighting of just a few recent examples will have to suffice for now.

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Hillary's Email Scandal - Timeline

Yes, Hillary Should Be Prosecuted

Comey, FBI botched investigation (intentionally)

Because FBI Investigation was a "Sham"

Bill Clinton & Attorney General Lynch have secret meeting on airport tarmac just days before a) Hillary to be interviewed by FBI, b) Hillary suggests she would retain Lynch as AG, and c) FBI's Comey announces decision not to indict.

Hillary Broke the Law:

Hillary / Clinton Foundation / Russia / Uranium One

Hillary's Goldman Sachs Speeches Finally Exposed

Chelsea Clinton Used Fake Names to raise $$ for Clinton Foundation

NBC Withholding the Full1999 Interview w/ Juanita Broaddrick

Connecting the Dots - Why DOJ / FBI wouldn't prosecute - because Obama is implicated

Yet most of the print & TV press works to hide Hillary's misdeeds

Just a few examples of the Press doing Hillary's bidding:

Cheryl Mills

Hillary's Health -- clearly a big issue, and not "debunked" as the press tried to say

Hillary unhinged -- maybe she does need a drug test  (video)

Bill Clinton goes rogue: says ObamaCare is "the craziest thing in the world"  Oct 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton, in Goldman Sachs speech, says ObamaCare will never work:

Hillary unidsclosed memo says Qatar and Saudis arm Syrian rebels / Clinton Foundation takes their money

Hillary can't remember - so she says only when questioned regarding her mishandling of classified information and government property.

Donna Brazile obtains Debate Questions in advance, provides them to Hillary Campaign, next day exact question is asked at debate:

Scripted Hillary Clinton can't even handle a fawning Steve Harvey softball interview without having the questions provided to her in advance:

DNC Thugs caught on tape; bragging about their intentional & coordinated efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies.

There is so much more, but you get the idea ...

- Hillary is going to try to raise your taxes:  "That's where the money is"
- To massively increase government spending:  That is too high & inefficient to begin with
- Our $20 TRILLION National Debt will skyrocket even higher.
- She will appoint liberal, activist justices to the Supreme Court.
- She will double down on failed & imploding ObamaCare
- She was a disaster as Secretary of State (Russian "reset", Crimea/Ukraine, Libya/Benghazi, Iran, Iraq, SYRIA, ISIS, N.Korea, etc.) - USA foreign policy will be a dangerous mess
- She is for open borders; she will not stop illegal immigration or Sanctuary Cities
- She will pander to anyone while defaming the police

She is as unethical and corrupt as any politician we have ever seen.  Her Emailgate actions alone disqualify her from even seeking the Presidency.

How the hell did we even get to this point ?

Only those who are in favor of continuing Washington DC dysfunction & corruption, pay-to-play, crony capitalism, etc. could contemplate electing her.  Let's hope the American people are able to see past the lies and manipulations of the Clinton Industrial Complex (DC politicians and the mainstream media) and reject Hillary Clinton on November 8th.

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